Dana Dahhan

Position title: Graduate Student

Email: dahhan@wisc.edu

B.S. Loyola University of Chicago (Biochemistry)

Photo of Dana Dahhan

My research aims to elucidate protein networks and interactions underlying membrane trafficking pathways in plants using the model species, Arabidopsis thaliana and Physcomitrium patens. One of my projects has been to define the proteome of the Arabidopsis clathrin coated vesicle, work which has explored plant-specific and evolutionarily conserved mechanisms regulating clathrin-mediated endocytic and post-Golgi trafficking. I am also dissecting the molecular composition of the plant Stomatal Cytokinesis Defective (SCD) complex, which has been previously identified to be involved in post-Golgi and endocytic trafficking.



2015- Present           Ph.D. in the Integrated Program of Biochemistry. Expected completion: August 2022.

2011- 2015                  Bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry, Loyola University Chicago


Selected Fellowships:

2022                             Travel award to attend International Plant Cell Dynamics Conference, National Science Foundation, Directorate of Biological Sciences

2021                              Travel award to attend National Diversity in STEM (NDiSTEM) Conference, SACNAS

2021                              Denton Award for Teaching & Mentorship, Integrated Program in Biochemistry, UW-Madison

2020- 2021                 Arthur B. Michael Fellowship, Department of Biochemistry, UW-Madison



  1. Dahhan DA and Bednarek SY. “Advances in Structural, Spatial, and Temporal Mechanics of Plant Endocytosis” FEBS Letters. 2022. DOI: 10.1002/1873-3648.14420
  2. Dahhan DA*, Reynolds GD*, Cárdenas JC, Eeckhout D, Johnson A, Yperman K, Kaufmann WA, Vang N, Yan X, Hwang I, Heese A, De Jaeger G, Friml J, Van Damme D, Pan J, Bednarek SY. (2021) Proteomic characterization of isolated Arabidopsis clathrin-coated vesicles reveals evolutionarily conserved and plant specific components. The Plant Cell. 2022 34: 2150-2173.
  3. Johnson A, Kaufmann WA, Sommer C, Costanzo T, Dahhan DA, Bednarek SY, Friml J. “User-friendly electron microscopy protocols for the visualization of biological macromolecular complexes in three dimensions: Visualization of planta clathrin-coated vesicles at ultrastructural resolution” bioRxiv. 2022. DOI: 10.1101/2022.05.24.493253.
  4. Johnson A, Dahhan DA*, Gnyliukh N*, Kaufmann WA, Zheden V, Costanzo T, Mahou P, Hrtyan M, Wang J, Aguilera-Servin J, Van Damme D, Beaurepaire E, Loose M, Bednarek SY, Friml J. (2021) The TPLATE complex mediates membrane bending during plant clathrin-mediated endocytosis. PNAS, 118 (51) e2113046118.
  5. Yan X, Wang Y, Xu M, Dahhan DA, Liu C, Zhang Y, Lin J, Bednarek SY, Pan J. (2021) Cross-talk between clathrin-dependent post-Golgi trafficking and clathrin-mediated endocytosis in Arabidopsis root cells. The Plant Cell, 33 (9) 3057-3075.
  6. Webster KD, Dahhan D, Otto AM, Frosti CL, Dean WL, Chaires JB, Olsen KW. (2017) “Inside-Out” PEGylation of Bovine ß-Cross-Linked Hemoglobin. Artificial Organs, 41 (4): 351-358.

*denotes equal contribution


Past-time/Hobbies: Outside of the lab, I enjoy cooking, reading, and needlework.

Other links: Twitter profile @DahhanDana, ORCID profile @ 0000-0002-6079-4434